Asanadi kashayam is an Ayurvedic medicine in water decoction form.


* It is one of the best kashayam for weight loss.
* It is used in the treatment of diabetes, anemia.
* It mitigates Kapha Dosha.
* It is also used in treating many skin diseases such as eczema, psoriasis, leukoderma.
* It relieves intestinal worms (helminthiasis)
* Effect on Tridosha – Balances kapha.


5 – 10 ml of Kashaya, once or twice a day, before food or as directed by Ayurvedic doctor/

if the Kashayam is concentrated, then it needs to be mixed with equal quantity of water before drinking.

Asanadi kashayam ingredients:

Asana Pterocarpus marsupium Bark 10 g

Tinisha Anogeissus latifolia Fruit 10 g

Bhurja Betula utilis Leaf 10 g

Shwetavaha Calotropis procera Leaf 10 g

Prakeerya Sapindus trifoliatus Linn. Root 10 g

Khadira Acacia catechu Extract 10 g

Kadara Acacia polyantha Stem 10 g

Bhandi Rubia cordifolia Root 10 g

Shimshapa Dalbergia sissoo Root 10 g

Meshashrungi Prosopis specigera Root 10 g

Shwetachandana Santalum album Stem 10 g

Raktachandana Pterocarpus santalinus Stem 10 g

Daruharidra Berberis aristata Stem 10 g

Tala Borassus flabellifer Leaf 10 g

Palasha Butea monosperma Flower 10 g

Jonkaka Aquilaria agallocha Stem 10 g

Shakha Grewia populifolia Leaf 10 g

Shala Shorea robusta Stem 10 g

Kramuka Phyllanthus reticulatus Seed 10 g

Dhava Anogeissus latifolia Root 10 g

Kalinga Holarrhena antidysenterica Stem bark 10 g

Ashwakarna Cassia fistula Bark 10 g

Ajakarna Acacia leucophloea Root 10 g

The herbs are taken in coarse powder form, added with 8 parts of water, boiled and reduced to a quarter part, filtered. If you have bought this kashayam readily from the market, it will be containing Sodium benzoate as preservative.


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