Provides Natural Iron Into Blood Without GI Disturbance

Meets Vitamins and Minerals Requirements in their Natural form

Prevents Hair Loss.

Exhibits Significant Antioxidant Activity. As an antioxidant, it helps in building the body’s immune system and provides resistance against many diseases.

Overcome Nervous Exhaustion and General Debility.

Appetite during illness, oral Ulcers.

Withania somnifera : Exhibit greater clinical benefits in anxiety, fatigue and for general debility.

Phylanthus emblica : Is an Indian Gooseberry is a common constituent and the primary ingredient in CHYAWANPRASH. It enhance digestion, treat constipation, purify the blood,reduce cough and stimulates appetite Therapeatic Indications hair growth.

Terminalia chebula : Laxative, astringent, anthelmintic, carminative and appetite stimulant. Improves digestion and promotes the absorption of nutrients and regulates colon function.

Aegle marmelos : Antibacterial, Antifungal and Antidiarrhoeal. It is presbribed for smooth bowel movement to patients suffering from constipation and other gastrointestinal problems.

Tribulus terrestris : Its anti-bacterial and anti–viral, properties may be used to treat herpes and virus infections.

Cuminum cyminum : Cumin seeds are used to treat flatulence indigestion, nausea, morning sickness, dyspepsia, loss of appetite and Vomiting. Cumin can be used as an antioxidant, and also a good source of iron and minerals which helps to strengthen the immune system and protects against infections.

Piper nigrum : Black pepper has been used to aid digestion, improve appetite, colic, dyspepsia, flatulence, constipation.

Zingiber officinale : The herb is useful in gastro intestinal disorders like indigestion. Relieves nausea, morning sickness and motion sickness.

Adults : 2 teaspoonful two to three times a day.

Children : Half the adult dose or as directed by the Physician.


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