Memory booster

In The modern Era where you could get solutions and information in a blink of an Eye as a result of advanced Technology. This Advanced Technology is a Blessing as well as a Curse. Somewhere the mankind has forgotten to use his Ideas and skills to attend to an Issue. Right from School to Offices, the Stress Levels are so high that the basic things are always forgotten & compromised. Everybody wants to have a stress free life with a good memory. A good memory and concentration power is always an advantage, and helps you do better in Life. MENTORICH Syrup, enhances memory and concentration to last a life time. Made from all time tested and Potent Herbs it is definitely a boon for today’s world.


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SKU: I089830006 Category:



    1. Acts as a Memory Booster and Brain Cell Developer.
    2. Improves Concentration.
    3. Has an Anti-depressant, Anti-stress and Anti-anxiety property.
    4. Complete Herbal formulation and can be administered for Prolonged Durations in all Age groups.

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